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Welcome to

Good Samaritan Fellowship




At GSF, we don't believe in being judgmental toward others. we believe that being a true christian means being Christ-like. ...A concept that this world seems to take very lightly. We are called to love just as Christ loves the church. There is an extreme variety of diversity in our congregation. People from several different backgrounds who love one another. If you are looking for freedom, love, and truth... Good Samaritan Fellowship is the perfect place for you and your family. We pray that God will bless you in joining us!


The parable of the Good Samaritan is a didactic story told by Jesus in Luke 10:25–37. It is about a traveler who is stripped of clothing, beaten, and left half dead alongside the road. First a priest and then a Levite comes by, but both avoid the man. 

The Story of the Good Samaritan

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17

Have a Prayer Request?


Tell us how God has impacted you and the impact our church has had on your life! Share your testimony and encourage others!

BE inspired

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